Posts tagged summer
Five Nutritious (and tasty!) Spring and Summer Greens

I remember when I first started foraging twenty years ago, I initially focused on plentiful and weedy wild greens. I think this is the case for many new foragers—we look at what’s around us and what’s familiar as a starting point. For many people, this includes plants like dandelion, plantain, chicory, dock, and garlic mustard. These are some of the wild edibles that formed the foundation of my foraging practice, but to be honest, I was not impressed. As a city kid who grew up eating a diet largely devoid of fresh vegetables, the bitter flavor and tough or stringy texture did not sit well with me. Fortunately, I was not deterred; I learned that the palatability could be greatly improved by being choosey about the timing of the harvest, the parts picked, the habitat, and the preparation methods.

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Seasonal Recipe Ideas for Summer

Summer is here and the vegetation is bountiful! In the Twin Cities area, several greens are at their prime, including lamb’s quarters, amaranth, and purslane. Flowering herbs are also at an ideal stage for picking, and berry season is just starting to kick off. With so many wild edibles abounding in yards, parks, and gardens, now is the perfect time to harvest to your heart’s content! However, you should strive to use everything that you harvest, instead of forgetting about it and letting it rot in your fridge (which I have definitely been guilty of!) Having a list of recipes or go-to dishes makes it much easier to churn through your wild harvests, and enjoy the gifts of nature’s garden!

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