Posts tagged plant
Five Nutritious (and tasty!) Spring and Summer Greens

I remember when I first started foraging twenty years ago, I initially focused on plentiful and weedy wild greens. I think this is the case for many new foragers—we look at what’s around us and what’s familiar as a starting point. For many people, this includes plants like dandelion, plantain, chicory, dock, and garlic mustard. These are some of the wild edibles that formed the foundation of my foraging practice, but to be honest, I was not impressed. As a city kid who grew up eating a diet largely devoid of fresh vegetables, the bitter flavor and tough or stringy texture did not sit well with me. Fortunately, I was not deterred; I learned that the palatability could be greatly improved by being choosey about the timing of the harvest, the parts picked, the habitat, and the preparation methods.

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The Edible Hemlock

Say the word “hemlock” and people’s faces immediately pale as they think of deadly poisonous species like poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) and water hemlock (Cicuta maculata). But what about eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)? You might assume it’s poisonous because of the name, but it’s actually an edible evergreen tree that’s not even related to poisonous hemlocks! So read on to learn more about this beautiful tree, and then get ready to horrify friends and family when you tell them you eat hemlock!

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