Top Five Poisonous Plants to Be Aware Of (in the Upper Midwest)

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Poisonous Plant Panic

One of the most common questions I get asked as a professional foraging instructor is “How do you not kill yourself?” The implication here is that foraging is a dangerous activity and I could suddenly die by accidentally ingesting a poisonous species—a commonly held misbelief that I do my best to assuage.

However, that is not to ridicule or condemn people who hold that fear. I remember that I felt similarly when I first started foraging over twenty years ago. Back then, we didn’t have all the great resources we do now, and foraging guides (in my opinion) often over-emphasized the danger of mistaking an edible species for a similar-looking poisonous one. In fact, still to this day, many resources make foraging sound like a risky endeavor, suitable only for grizzled woodsfolk, or otherwise expert botanists or mycologists with fancy degrees.

However, I’m here to tell you that’s not the case! And I firmly believe that learning poisonous species before or while learning edible and medicinal ones greatly increases your identification skills while reducing your anxieties.

Poisonous Plant Pals Webinar

Just in time for the foraging season, I have a live webinar coming up to teach you about common poisonous plants and mushrooms! The focus will be on Minnesota species, though most folks living in the eastern and central regions of the US and Canada will benefit from this knowledge. We will discuss identification and toxicity, and go over edible species that are considered “look-alikes.” Covered species will include poison hemlock, water hemlock, poison ivy, destroying angel, deadly galerina, and more. I hope to see you there!

Top Five Poisonous Plants to Be Aware Of (in the Upper Midwest)

In the meantime, here is my top five list! What did I miss? Are there any that you would have included instead? Let me know in the comments below!


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